Thank you to all of those who have taken the time to read this blog, come to my classes, lectures and fundraisers this month.
I would also like to welcome all of you from my lecture at Career Paths last week…It realy is a job finding a job!!!!
I would like to remind all of you that I will be doing a free lecture on Saturday, May 2nd at the library on Bayview and John Ave., Thornhill at 1:30 p.m.
I would like to especially thank the seniors who fought back to save their adult education classes. It is wonderful to see what a difference all of you have made.
The topic of “what would you do if…..” took a wonderfully realistic turn when the example of the mother in New York (who made her two daughters walk home) was used. I like the fact that everyone was thinking “out of the box”. I am always learning.
For those of you who are English teachers at heart. Please note that I am deliberately making mistakes so you can correct me. I did a radio show a few years ago and I made a grammatical error, well that was the end of my radio announcing career!!!!!!
This blog is a humbling experience, thankyou again for taking the time to read it!